Hey Peeps! I am now up and running at www.BetterBelieveFit.com come on over for the same AWESOME MOTIVATION and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!
Work Outs
Clothing Reviews
This is a blog to inspire you, motivate you , give you the tools that will help you on your journey to a fitter, heathier, happier you! Sharing with you workouts, recipies, ideas, fun new stuff I get to try out ; ) I have kids and a REAL LIFE so I know how it gets!!! HETIC and CRAZY but you ALWAYS have time for a HAPPIER HEALTHIER YOU!!!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Our Inner Cheerleader!!! Guest post with www.runwithkate.com AWESOME AUSSIE KATE!!!!
So happy and excited to have Kate with www.Runwithkate.com guest blogging for me. Kate is a runner and a Sweat Pink sister of mine from Down Under! How cool! As part of www.FitApproach.com we are able to team up with the most inspiring and motivation people you could ever want to meet! So let me hand the mike over to Kate..........
Our Inner Cheerleader
Hello BetterBelieveFit-sters; my name is Kate, and I’m an Australian runner whose blog-land address is www.runwithkate.com. I write about all things running, and am currently training for my first marathon.
A little bit of Australiana for you! I live in Sydney.
Like Astrid, I think happiness is the best medicine, so I felt pretty lucky to have Astrid as my blog swap partner for today’s Sweat Pink Ambassador blog swap.
After a bit of thought, Astrid and I agreed that being able to motivate and encourage ourselves on our fitness journey is super important. And so the idea of the ‘inner cheerleader’ was born.
Having friends and family cheer us on is awesome. I can’t write enough about how its important it is to have supporters www.runwithkate.com in your corner.
But a cheer alone won’t get us through. What made you start running/jumping/cross-fitting/swimming/biking in the first place? I’ll bet it wasn’t your husband or girlfriend going ‘yeah! Look at you, getting out of bed on this winter morning!’
But you’re out there anyway.
Here’s one of me, letting my inner cheerleader give me a pep talk before a run
We know that motivation is 90% of the battle. More than anything, it’s your inner cheerleader who gets you out of bed, forces you to finish that long run, or keeps you awake at work after an early morning workout.
Some days my inner cheerleader is peppy and ready to roll. She’s waving her pom poms with pride, and at every mile I hit, she’s saying ‘yes, see, how easy was that? You’re amazing, keep going!’. Then there are other days, where she turns up dishevelled, her hair messy, and her make-up smudged. On those days she’s saying ‘well done, you’re doing great…oh forget it, let’s go back to bed’.
The day my inner cheerleader made me run through puddles...
While having a cheerleader is great, it’s important to keep him or her in check. I know that some people do this with a coach or a running group. But what do you do if you’re on your own? I can vouch for it being much harder! For example, I always found that I would get an amazing workout with a gym instructor in, for example, body pump, but could just never replicate that on my own.
These days, I set goals – a pace, a time, a certain landmark. As long as I go out with a goal, I know I’ll be OK. It gives my cheerleader purpose, and tells her when the training session is going to end. …That way, she looks forward to going off to the movies afterward, instead of looking at her watch and wondering how long it will be this time.
My cheerleader got me through a 10km race a few weeks ago
For a couple of days now, I’ve been trying to write this post, and it’s made me think about my own inner cheerleader. Today, of all days, I realised just how powerful that inner voice can be. This morning, my chiropractor warned me not to run too much – which, 2 months out from a marathon, I the last news I wanted to hear.
I got upset, and I considered just sitting at home and having a good cry. Suddenly, good old miss cheerleader appeared, mascara smudged, but pom poms at the ready. She convinced me I should do my scheduled work-out for the day – interval training. I used that frustration as a power-burst, and moved my booty harder on the elliptical than I have in quite some time
Sometimes a bit of anger can really boost your performance!
Your Turn:
What gets your inner cheerleader going?
Have you ever been inspired by frustration or anger?
What does your inner cheerleader look like?
Has your cheerleader ever missed a session? How did you coax them back?
Saturday, July 28, 2012
OH MY WORD!!! Your all so freaking awesome!!! I have been dying to post this giveaway for weeks!
Such great stuff to send out! GYMBOSS TIMER!!! A super cute hot pink and grey tank from B.N. Shape Clothing, Power Pack of 22 Days Nutrition bars (SOOOOO YUMMY) and a MEGA sample pack from Vega..smothies and nutrition shakes!!! SUPER DOOPER YUM!!!
Follow the rules and LIKE the pages I made it SUPER EASY for you...NO EXCUSES! You must be a US resident ( sorry its going out on my dime <3) and you have to be a follower of Better Believe Fit on Facebook and Twitter ; )
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Such great stuff to send out! GYMBOSS TIMER!!! A super cute hot pink and grey tank from B.N. Shape Clothing, Power Pack of 22 Days Nutrition bars (SOOOOO YUMMY) and a MEGA sample pack from Vega..smothies and nutrition shakes!!! SUPER DOOPER YUM!!!
Follow the rules and LIKE the pages I made it SUPER EASY for you...NO EXCUSES! You must be a US resident ( sorry its going out on my dime <3) and you have to be a follower of Better Believe Fit on Facebook and Twitter ; )
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, July 27, 2012
SO..it takes 21 days to make or break a habit huh???
When it comes to making changes for the better with your health and fitness you have to be aware and ready to give it time. 21 days at least to be exact ; ) It is hard you know this! To give up things you are used to eating...chips and soda and making exercise a part of your daily routine.
Well HELP IS ON THE WAY!!! I recently came across a company called 22 days nutrition they make these YUMMY nutrition bars that are so good for you its kinda hard to think that they would ever taste good BUT THEY DO!!!
I am not Vegan but I often look for certified Vegan products when it comes to my snack and nutrition bars...I really don't need any dairy or animal products in my fruit and nut bars if you know what I am saying. Cheese has its own place and its not on my granola : )

So 22 days nutrition bars are Vegan, USDA Organic, Gluten Free and Produced with solar energy! YAY FOR SUNSHINE : )
22 days nutrition sent me a Power Pack which included four of their bars...of course I busted it open to try one as soon as the package was in my hand ( did I mention I LOVE FOOD!)
The first bar I had the pleasure of wrapping my mouth around was the Cherry Chocolate Bliss .
I was very surprised and how AWESOME these bars taste, I mean I have tasted ALOT of vegan bars, I have even made my own at home but this was just SINFUL!!!
The bars boast a short list of OH SO GOOD FOR YOU ingredients....
Organic Raw Almond Butter, Organic Coconut Syrup, Organic Gluten-free Oats, Organic Raw Almonds, Organic Tart Cherries, Organic Dates, Organic Dark Chocolate Chips-Non Dairy (Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Chocolate Liquor, Organic Vanilla), Organic Freeze-dried Acai Powder (with citric acid), Sea Salt.
I LOVE that they are mostly ORAGNIC and RAW ingredients. This sweet little package is loaded up with good for you foods.
Here are their words on this particular bar....
Do you fall in love easily? Have you ever walked up to a stranger and said - "I don't know you - but I think I love you? Cherries, cocoa and almond keep that feeling alive with heart healthy and immune boosting qualities that enhance your mood and your energy - capturing your heart with no strings attached!
It's believed that cherries can help reduce muscle and joint soreness due to anthocyanin, a photochemical that reduces inflammation. In addition, red tart cherries can lower levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides if you add them to your regular diet. Because of this phenomenon, it’s believed that these tasty devils prevent fat distribution in the body, lower blood sugar levels and reduce fat storage in the liver. How’s that for the cherry on top?
Studies have shown that acai fruit pulp has more antioxidant power than cranberries, raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. Antioxidants are known to play an important role in the body’s cell protection system. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can slow down the process of aging and disease by lessening or neutralizing the destructive powers of free radicals.
Cherry Chocolate Bliss is a vegan nutrition bar bursting with deliciously rich flavor. Organic tart cherries, organic dates, and organic acai make this organic breakfast bar full of flavor and goodness and a perfect way to start your day in a blissfully good mood.
Well HELP IS ON THE WAY!!! I recently came across a company called 22 days nutrition they make these YUMMY nutrition bars that are so good for you its kinda hard to think that they would ever taste good BUT THEY DO!!!
I am not Vegan but I often look for certified Vegan products when it comes to my snack and nutrition bars...I really don't need any dairy or animal products in my fruit and nut bars if you know what I am saying. Cheese has its own place and its not on my granola : )
So 22 days nutrition bars are Vegan, USDA Organic, Gluten Free and Produced with solar energy! YAY FOR SUNSHINE : )
22 days nutrition sent me a Power Pack which included four of their bars...of course I busted it open to try one as soon as the package was in my hand ( did I mention I LOVE FOOD!)
The first bar I had the pleasure of wrapping my mouth around was the Cherry Chocolate Bliss .
I was very surprised and how AWESOME these bars taste, I mean I have tasted ALOT of vegan bars, I have even made my own at home but this was just SINFUL!!!
The bars boast a short list of OH SO GOOD FOR YOU ingredients....
Organic Raw Almond Butter, Organic Coconut Syrup, Organic Gluten-free Oats, Organic Raw Almonds, Organic Tart Cherries, Organic Dates, Organic Dark Chocolate Chips-Non Dairy (Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Chocolate Liquor, Organic Vanilla), Organic Freeze-dried Acai Powder (with citric acid), Sea Salt.
I LOVE that they are mostly ORAGNIC and RAW ingredients. This sweet little package is loaded up with good for you foods.
Here are their words on this particular bar....
Nutritional Highlights
Organic Raw almonds abound!
Do you fall in love easily? Have you ever walked up to a stranger and said - "I don't know you - but I think I love you? Cherries, cocoa and almond keep that feeling alive with heart healthy and immune boosting qualities that enhance your mood and your energy - capturing your heart with no strings attached!
Red Tart Cherries-keep you on top!
It's believed that cherries can help reduce muscle and joint soreness due to anthocyanin, a photochemical that reduces inflammation. In addition, red tart cherries can lower levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides if you add them to your regular diet. Because of this phenomenon, it’s believed that these tasty devils prevent fat distribution in the body, lower blood sugar levels and reduce fat storage in the liver. How’s that for the cherry on top?
Açai of relief
Studies have shown that acai fruit pulp has more antioxidant power than cranberries, raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. Antioxidants are known to play an important role in the body’s cell protection system. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can slow down the process of aging and disease by lessening or neutralizing the destructive powers of free radicals.
Cherry Chocolate Bliss
I could not have said it better myself!
Some of the other bars to try are
Nut Butter Buddha Crunch Goji Maté Firecracker Fruit Nut Karma Enlightened Pumpkinseed Cherry Chocolate Bliss Daily Mocha Mantra
They are VERY YUMMILICIOUS!!! (YES that is a word, in my world!)
I especially liked the daily Mocha Mantra since I am a true Coffee lover, I felt like it was an espresso if food form! YUM! To know that your nutrition bar only includes..well...nutritious REAL FOOD, its a mega bonus in my book. I just despise picking up a treat that looks good on the outside but in reality is NOT GOOD FOR MY INSIDES!!! I want my food to bring me energy and strength and make my tummy happy! These bars do the trick. I was on a Wal-Mart adventure (not so much) the other day and had slipped the Enlightened Pumpkin Seed bar in my bag that morning, well..THANK HEAVENS I did it saved me from temptation of grabbing junk because my stomach was about to eat my backbone and then I remembered!!! THE BAR!!! YAY, I broke it open and SWEET RELIEF! Even my 22 month old enjoyed it and that is saying ALOT when it comes to kids and their taste buds!!!!
So go check out 22 days nutrition.com and seriously these are worth a try!
If you want to try them before you buy them then you need to stick around for Better Believe Fit's 4000 LIKES Big GIVEAWAY!!!! You will get a Power Pack in your prize box along with some other awesome goodies to be announced!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
"Wear" is your inspiration....
YES!! I know i spelt it "w-e-a-r" but it is totally OKAY....Read on... ; ) So I have seen many many gym
t-shirts on the web, on people's back's and in stores. It started my to wonder, is this shirt REALLY an inspiration to me to work out and get fitter???
Who is the person who came up with this, why did they make it??? Was it simply for the $$$ appeal, or was it to make me feel like I ROCK when I wear it , so I will be more likely to work twice as hard so I can represent what it says on my back ( or front).
A rockin chick Johanna-Baynen posted a link on Better Believe Fit for BN Shape Clothing. I went to the site and took a look at their gear. I LIKE! I then sent them an msg to find out more about the company and what they are all about. Main man Dr. Dozie Onunkwo is the founder of B.N. Shape Clothing, he got back to me himself right away and gave me his story. He had struggled with weight and fast food issues for a looong time, very similar to my own struggles. When the movie "300" came out he went to see it and it was a life changer for him! ME TOO!!! I mean really who was not amazed and inspired by Leonidas and his BAD A$$ physique WOOOO!!!! Can we say SMOKIN!!! WHeeew! Give me a minute to compose myself here LOL I do love some Gerard Butler ; P
So Dr. Onunkwo kicked the fast food habit and turned his life around all the while getting his PHD! Wow now that is AWESOME!!! You can read all about it in his blog post here! http://www.unbiasedhealth.com/p/about-dr-o.html Take a look at those MUSCLES!!!! Leonidas WATCH out!!! Dr. Onunkwo is on the scene!!!
After learning all about the transformation and the inspiration that is behind B.N. Shape clothing I really wanted to share it with you guys!
I DO LOVE BEING IN SHAPE!!! I am super proud of it and so should you!!!!
Even more awesome B.N. Shape clothing sent me a super cute tank ; ) and one to giveaway!!! HOORAY!!! I know how much you love free stuff!!! They even threw in these rockin bracelets that say " I love being in shape : )
t-shirts on the web, on people's back's and in stores. It started my to wonder, is this shirt REALLY an inspiration to me to work out and get fitter???
Who is the person who came up with this, why did they make it??? Was it simply for the $$$ appeal, or was it to make me feel like I ROCK when I wear it , so I will be more likely to work twice as hard so I can represent what it says on my back ( or front).
A rockin chick Johanna-Baynen posted a link on Better Believe Fit for BN Shape Clothing. I went to the site and took a look at their gear. I LIKE! I then sent them an msg to find out more about the company and what they are all about. Main man Dr. Dozie Onunkwo is the founder of B.N. Shape Clothing, he got back to me himself right away and gave me his story. He had struggled with weight and fast food issues for a looong time, very similar to my own struggles. When the movie "300" came out he went to see it and it was a life changer for him! ME TOO!!! I mean really who was not amazed and inspired by Leonidas and his BAD A$$ physique WOOOO!!!! Can we say SMOKIN!!! WHeeew! Give me a minute to compose myself here LOL I do love some Gerard Butler ; P
So Dr. Onunkwo kicked the fast food habit and turned his life around all the while getting his PHD! Wow now that is AWESOME!!! You can read all about it in his blog post here! http://www.unbiasedhealth.com/p/about-dr-o.html Take a look at those MUSCLES!!!! Leonidas WATCH out!!! Dr. Onunkwo is on the scene!!!
After learning all about the transformation and the inspiration that is behind B.N. Shape clothing I really wanted to share it with you guys!
I DO LOVE BEING IN SHAPE!!! I am super proud of it and so should you!!!!
Even more awesome B.N. Shape clothing sent me a super cute tank ; ) and one to giveaway!!! HOORAY!!! I know how much you love free stuff!!! They even threw in these rockin bracelets that say " I love being in shape : )
When we have our 4000 Likes Giveaway you will have a chance to win a tank and bracelets from B.N. Shape : ) AWESOME!!!! Don't forget to hit the LIKE button when your checking out the B.N. Shape Facebook page and head over to the site http://www.bnshapeclothing.com/ to see all they have to offer along with some really awesome blog posts and fitness advice!!!
Next time your tempted to drop $20 or $30 on a gym T-shirt ask yourself why, and does it really inspire you!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Mindy Bobe!!! COME ON DOWN..... You are my winner!!! YAYYYY....CONFETTI!!! WOO HOOOOO ; )
True Random Number Generator4
Winner was chosen by random.org number generator.
Thank you all for entering ; ) Stay tuned because I am having a MEGA giveaway when we reach 4000 LIKES on Better believe fit HOORAY!!!!
True Random Number Generator4
Winner was chosen by random.org number generator.
Thank you all for entering ; ) Stay tuned because I am having a MEGA giveaway when we reach 4000 LIKES on Better believe fit HOORAY!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
They say I am a bit of a HANDFUL!!!
So yeah, I can be a bit of a handful but since I have had babies and nursed them both and lost over 60lbs my handfuls are...well...lets just say not as they once were ; )
As we all know breast tissue is mainly fat and when you loose fat your breasts tend to deflate...a lot. So when it comes to a sports bra I usually ended up with a very boyish flattened out uni-boob pancake type of look. VERY SEXY...NOT! I want to be clear I LOVE MY BODY...flat deflated boobies and all ; ) They fed my babies well and that's enough for me! So any way back to the whole sports bra issue, yeah flat and smashed down is how I liked it because I felt safe and contained. No worries of falling out during a handstand push up, or unnecessary bouncing during a burpee. I also like to wear my sports bra's pretty much all the time, when I do put on a regular bra my hub's is like WOAH! You have lady lumps! HA HA.
So when i saw a review on The Athletarian blog for Handful Sports Bra's I HAD to try them out! Handful claimed to be supportive, pretty, and comfortable and NO UNI-BOOB! Let me at em!!!
I contacted the fantastic ladies and asked them ever so nicely "Pretty PLEASE! I want to try this amazing bra!" So they were more than happy to send a couple my way to try out and give them a test run so I could tell you what I thought! SWEET!
I got my first Handful in the mail and i had asked for a Small which are for Cup sizes 34A-34C+, i really liked the mesh washing bag that it comes in, GREAT IDEA to keep your bra in good shape longer and so you don't loose the shaping inserts. I put mine on as soon as i got it and you know that sound in the movies that they make when the heavens open or the treasure is discovered...YEAH! I heard it! Awesome! LOVED IT SO MUCH I MADE A MOTIVATIONAL PIC!!!
First thing I noticed was how very comfortable it is, the straps are nice and thin so you can wear it with pretty much anything you want and they did not cut into my shoulders at all, no matter how much I jumped up and down. Then they do this great cinchey thing in the middle of the front of the bra which really helped against the uni-boob and it looks nice, it give the front of the bra a very nice neck line.
It has such a nice shape that I wore it all day with one of my favorite sundresses and felt so comfortable and confident, I even slept in it!!!
Now THAT'S COMFORTABLE! The cup inserts give me WONDERFUL shape and keep things looking up. They also save me from blinding anyone with my high beams ; D
Now since I am right on the line for the extra small (32A-32C+) I wanted a really good higher impact bra, so I asked if they could send me the smaller size. I got my pink handful in the mail today and I am over the moon happy with the fit. The small size bra was great, it was shapely and supportive enough for medium to high impact exercise, the x-small is FANTASTIC!!! If an ogre grabbed me and picked up by my feet and shook the living daylights out of me I don't think I would worry for one second that I may have a wardrobe malfunction! SCORE!!!
So my wish is for you to try out the Handful Bra, go check them out at www.handful.com and give them a LIKE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HandfulInc?ref=ts tell that I sent you and I am sending you with my ULTIMATE LOVE AND APPRECIATION!!! Seriously I love this bra that much! Also a little bird told me they are going to have some new Handful's to come out in the fall!!! YAY!!!!
So give your girls a lift! Go out and EAT CLEAN, WORK HARD, LOVE YOURSELF!!!
As we all know breast tissue is mainly fat and when you loose fat your breasts tend to deflate...a lot. So when it comes to a sports bra I usually ended up with a very boyish flattened out uni-boob pancake type of look. VERY SEXY...NOT! I want to be clear I LOVE MY BODY...flat deflated boobies and all ; ) They fed my babies well and that's enough for me! So any way back to the whole sports bra issue, yeah flat and smashed down is how I liked it because I felt safe and contained. No worries of falling out during a handstand push up, or unnecessary bouncing during a burpee. I also like to wear my sports bra's pretty much all the time, when I do put on a regular bra my hub's is like WOAH! You have lady lumps! HA HA.
So when i saw a review on The Athletarian blog for Handful Sports Bra's I HAD to try them out! Handful claimed to be supportive, pretty, and comfortable and NO UNI-BOOB! Let me at em!!!
I contacted the fantastic ladies and asked them ever so nicely "Pretty PLEASE! I want to try this amazing bra!" So they were more than happy to send a couple my way to try out and give them a test run so I could tell you what I thought! SWEET!
I got my first Handful in the mail and i had asked for a Small which are for Cup sizes 34A-34C+, i really liked the mesh washing bag that it comes in, GREAT IDEA to keep your bra in good shape longer and so you don't loose the shaping inserts. I put mine on as soon as i got it and you know that sound in the movies that they make when the heavens open or the treasure is discovered...YEAH! I heard it! Awesome! LOVED IT SO MUCH I MADE A MOTIVATIONAL PIC!!!
First thing I noticed was how very comfortable it is, the straps are nice and thin so you can wear it with pretty much anything you want and they did not cut into my shoulders at all, no matter how much I jumped up and down. Then they do this great cinchey thing in the middle of the front of the bra which really helped against the uni-boob and it looks nice, it give the front of the bra a very nice neck line.
It has such a nice shape that I wore it all day with one of my favorite sundresses and felt so comfortable and confident, I even slept in it!!!
Now THAT'S COMFORTABLE! The cup inserts give me WONDERFUL shape and keep things looking up. They also save me from blinding anyone with my high beams ; D
Now since I am right on the line for the extra small (32A-32C+) I wanted a really good higher impact bra, so I asked if they could send me the smaller size. I got my pink handful in the mail today and I am over the moon happy with the fit. The small size bra was great, it was shapely and supportive enough for medium to high impact exercise, the x-small is FANTASTIC!!! If an ogre grabbed me and picked up by my feet and shook the living daylights out of me I don't think I would worry for one second that I may have a wardrobe malfunction! SCORE!!!
So my wish is for you to try out the Handful Bra, go check them out at www.handful.com and give them a LIKE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HandfulInc?ref=ts tell that I sent you and I am sending you with my ULTIMATE LOVE AND APPRECIATION!!! Seriously I love this bra that much! Also a little bird told me they are going to have some new Handful's to come out in the fall!!! YAY!!!!
So give your girls a lift! Go out and EAT CLEAN, WORK HARD, LOVE YOURSELF!!!
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